Wie kann man ein papierloses und umweltfreundliches Leben führen?

The generation of paper has undoubtedly caused a lot of environmental problems. Machines that are used to produce papers emit greenhouse gases that are the number one cause of global warming.
The byproducts of paper are mostly harmful chemicals that are released into water resources and cause water pollution. Paper production is mainly linked with deforestation, water, air, and land pollution so it is safe to say that it is causing serious environmental issues and causing lots of damage to our environment.
Climate change is a real issue and it is getting more intense day by day. We only have one planet to live and there is no planet B so there is a dire need to protect our planet.
How to Go Paperless?
The benefits of going paperless are numerous and that is the main reason we should adopt different ways to get rid of papers. Below are some of the easiest yet effective ways to go paperless in your daily life:
- Cloud Storage
There are various benefits of moving to a cloud storage solution. It not only makes your data more secure and accessible but also helps to minimize using paper. Cloud storage gives you limitless storage, your data is safe and secure and gives careful access to your sensitive and important data.
There are different safe and free cloud storage for personal and business use but I am suggesting two of the most common, easy, and safe options below:
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
- One Drive
- Note-Taking Apps
Another reason we use papers the most in our daily life is to take notes and to make planners. These actions help us to remember daily tasks and also to stay organized, which is great. But what if instead of using paper and pen we use our cell phones/laptops to do such stuff?
Using cell phones/laptop is not only an environmentally friendly option but convenient as well because they are easily accessible. We always put our phones in our pocket so it is easy to just note down things instead of searching for paper and pen.
Below are two free note-taking apps that you can try:
- OneNote
- Google Keep
- Scanners
Using scanners to make soft copies of important documents, books, pictures, and others and saving them in your drive is another very convenient option. Although, there are various scanners available in the market my personal favorite is the CZUR ShinePro 800 A3. It is a portable document scanner that scans documents in just a flash.
The Shine Pro 800 A3 comes with various useful features such as:
- 8 Megapixel Camera
- Adjustable Height
- 180+ language OCR
- 1Second per page scanning
- AI optimization
- Portable
- Auto Scan
- Video Recording
- Scan Max A3
The foldable and adjustable design of this scanner supports a larger scanning area.
Advanced OCR
The advanced OCR technology helps to recognize more than 180 languages. All the scanned documents can easily be converted into editable word, excel, TIFF/JPG, and searchable PDF through this technology.
Advanced image processing: Includes cropping, rotating, color mode selection, and unifying.
Adjustable design: This is specific for Shine Pro 800 A3. It can adjust to multiple heights, providing up to an A3 scanning area.
High-speed scanning: Each page is scanned in only 1 second.
Auto scanning: It is programmed to detect page turns and time intervals and allows auto-scanning after every page-turning.
By using CZUR ShinePro 800 A3 you can scan:
- Business cards
- Stamps
- Sketch drawings
- Contracts
- Invoice
- Diploma
- Doctor’s notes
- Maps
Due to the looming threat of global warming and climate change the world is adopting environmentally friendly ways. Although we cannot do big things, by adopting these small changes we all can make a huge difference.