Was ist der beste Weg, um ein Buch effektiv zu scannen?

czur-Scanner, Dokumentenscanner, Buchscanner

Book scanning is a very laborious task especially when you are running out of time and the book is a thick one. Despite the laboriousness, it is important because it helps to preserve precious history books or other important books. Book scanning is important for multiple reasons such as:

  • Sharing text digitally is easy
  • Pages are kept in order
  • Information is easy to access
  • You can create a digital archive of your collection
  • Older books are preserved
  • No physical space is required for storage

Book scanning is not something new, but for the past couple of years due to the advancement in technology, it has been a lot easier than before. New technology has introduced new tools and due to these tools book scanning is as easy as turning pages.

Traditional scanners are quite difficult to operate due to their complicated technology and limited features. Adjusting each page, light reflection on glossy pages, turning pages when scanning is done are some of the many problems while scanning physical books using traditional/ordinary scanners. Not only these but time is another main issue in these ordinary/traditional scanners. Scanning a 100pages book normally takes several hours and in today's time, no one has that patience or energy to spend so much time on scanning just a book.

By reading the above paragraphs you might be thinking or even making a wish to have a scanner that can solve all your scanning-related problems and make this difficult task fun and easy. If so then don’t worry, I got your back.

Here we will discuss a revolutionary scanner that is exceptionally user-friendly and has multiple features to make scanning a fun task.


CZUR ET18 Pro, as I said earlier, has revolutionized the scanning experience of masses by bringing intelligent, simple, and fast scanning experience. All magazines, books, contracts, and pictures that are within A3 size can be scanned directly without unbinding or cutting at the speed of 1.5sec/page. After scanning you have the option to save them in PDF, Excel, or TIFF using the OCR technique which is one of the most distinctive features of CZUR scanners.

Unique Features of ET18 Pro

  1. Innovative Curve Flattening Technique

With this technique, you are not supposed to unbind or put a hand/finger on the book to flatten the curvature. It automatically shoots 3 laser lines which are harmless in order to analyze the outlines of the bound document or open book. By doing this, the scanner calculates the page curve of all the materials which in turn gives a flattened page.

  1. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is sometimes called text recognition. This technology repurposes and extracts data from camera images, scanned docs, and image-only pdfs. It singles out letters on any given image, puts those letters in words, and then into sentences. This not only helps to access but also edits the original content.

OCR technology uses different software and hardware to convert printed and physical documents into machine-readable text. Typically, OCR technology uses a scanner in order to process the physical document. Once the pages are copied, the software converts the said document into a two-color version. The bitmap/scanned-in-image is further analyzed for dark and light areas. All the dark areas are identified as characters that need to be recognized while the light areas are identified as background.   

An OCR technology also examines the overall structure of a document image. It normally divides the overall page into elements like tables, blocks of texts, or pictures. All the lines are divided into words which are further divided into characters. The characters are then compared with a set of pattern images. Once all the likely images are processed, the technology then presents the recognized text.

  1. Auto-Scanning

This is the handiest feature of the CZUR ET18 Pro. With the help of this feature, it automatically detects if a page is flipped and then starts a new scan. If you want to scan multiple documents or a thick book then this is quite useful, you are not supposed to switch between the scanner and the book and the scanning speed makes sure that your time is efficiently saved.

Along with this, there are also multiple features of ET18 Pro which are:

  • Two pages per1.5sec
  • 18MP HD Camera
  • Anti-Reflection using sidelights
  • Multiple operating modes
  • Multi-material compatibility
  • Visual presenter

How to Scan Using ET18 Pro?

Scanning a book using this sophisticated and stylish scanner is a fun thing to do. It comes with so many gadgets that make the task even more fun to do. The scanning process is quite simple and easy. All you need to do is:

  • Place your book under the camera sensor and then boot up the software on your PC
  • Align the book with the indicator displayed on the screen
  • Now press the capture button

The quality of the scans turns out great and they can be edited on the smart software. Due to the easy-to-use nature and all the cool gadgets, there is absolutely no point in scanning your thick books using a traditional scanner which is not only time-consuming but oftentimes they are very expensive as well. These traditional scanners don't even yield good quality scans and miss a lot of useful features that are found in a dedicated scanner like this one.

CZUR ET18 Pro has revolutionized the scanning procedure so if you want to save your energy and time and are tech-savvy then buy this one and play with all the cool gadgets that come along with it.

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